Meet Allison
Allison McGinnity- Founder
My name is Allison McGinnity, owner of McGinnity Fit LLC. I specialize in helping you feel the best you ever have by improving your motivation, mindset and lifestyle.

As an athlete in High School, I always enjoyed exercise and didn’t realize until college that this was my passion. I obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science so I could teach others how to safely incorporate exercise into their life. During my 10 years of working as a Certified Personal Trainer in Health and Fitness Clubs I was fortunate to work in a gym connected to a Physical Therapy facility. Working hand in hand with the Physical Therapists and their post op clients, increased my knowledge to train with safety and proper technique with an injury. A skill set I apply to this day if a client unexpectedly becomes injured.
Thirsty for more, I obtained my Fitness Nutrition certification as it is the yin to the yang of personal health and fitness. Helping you reach your goal is my end result.
With a wide variety of aged clients, I found the need to acquire knowledge in the Pre and Post Natal field. Pregnant women want to stay healthy and with my Pre and Post Natal certification, I can provide the proper training for them.
My goal is to have the most positive impact that I can on the lives of the people that I work with: helping you become the fittest, healthiest, happiest performing version of yourself.